Sunday, January 3, 2010


Wow, it's been awhile since I last updated! I didn't expect the blog to fall off like that, but, well, life got in the way. I was feeling nostalgic today, though, so I thought I'd write a new post.

This time last year, I was arriving at Warwick and getting settled in to life in England. Right now, I'm watching the falling snow out of my window and remembering my first few days abroad (no snow, but bitterly cold). To be honest, I kind of hated England during those first couple of weeks. I think it was a combination of culture shock and homesickness, and the knowledge that I wasn't there on holiday, I was there for the long haul. Six months. And the end of my first month there, I had made so many great friends and really fallen in love with the country. By the time I left, even though I knew I was ready to go home, a small part of me wished I could have stayed even longer.

Back at UConn, I've become a sort of Study Abroad telemarketer, telling everyone I know that they should study abroad! ;) But it really was one of the most fantastic experiences I could have had while in college, and I have no regrets!

So Happy New Year to friends on both sides of the pond, and all over our wonder-full world. Peace and all good in 2010, and God bless!