Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm here

Well, now that I'm (sort of) settled in and have time to post...

I made it, finally! I'm in my dorm at school. The people on my floor are nice, I'm going to go out later tonight with them and get to know them better. My room is very nice, and it's a single, which is even better! At first I was so confused because we get into the building with keys, not with a card swipe.

But then, I've been confused a lot since I've been here. I had a severe case of culture shock yesterday (and the jet lag made it worse). Everything was way more different than I thought it would be, and I found myself struggling with the most mundane and basic things, like using the bathroom, the shower, paying at a restaurant, plugging stuff in. The guest house I stayed at last night was quaint and pretty but freezing cold (it wasn't centrally heated)! But they did serve us a huge, tasty English breakfast. I didn't know baked beans were for breakfast before!

And on top of that, I've had trouble understanding the accents of a lot of the people I've encountered--there are so many regional accents, and they don't sound like the British accents you hear on TV!

I'm feeling a bit less overwhelmed now. The campus is a lot bigger than I thought it would be; it's close to the size of UConn. But I'm finding my way around. I went shopping with Andrea and Danielle earlier, which was fun. It was cool seeing American brands that looked very different. Of course we had some issues, especially with pushing the cart on the rigtht (well, left) side of the aisle! I was so nervous when I took a cab to campus earlier today, and I'm so glad I don't have to drive while I'm in England!

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