Thursday, January 8, 2009

There Ain't No Party Like An S Club Party, Christian Focus, and oh, right---classes

Well, at least I finally have some classes now. I'm definitely taking The European World and English Social History, and maybe a class on World War II and Georgian Britain. It's been so tedious figuring out my schedule. And after I thought that I was all settled, I went to register online and found out that one of my classes wasn't even listed! This is after I contacted the history department and the professor! Grr...

On the plus side, I did have a fun time tonight and last night. Yesterday I went to a concert at the Students' Union with a bunch of people on my floor. A has-been band from the 90's, S Club 7, was performing. It was kind of cheesy--that type of music always is--but I had fun. Even though I didn't grow up on them in the way everyone else had, I tried to join in the singing and dancing. It was pretty wild--the British really know how to party. UConn wouldn't have something like that on a weekend, let alone a Wednesday night. And yet Warwick has concerts every night of the week...

And tonight I went to the Christian Focus meeting and met up with Kevin again, which was great! I had a good time meeting lots of his friends. They're very funny and witty people, with that deadpan British humor that I'm still not quite used to. Kevin, Danielle, and I were teased a lot for being American, but all in good fun. We had some good comebacks; I think I mentioned something about a Revolutionary War? ;) I enjoyed the meeting even though it was different from what I'm used to. We started off with a meditation/prayer session and then heard a guest speaker talk about justice.

I've been doing some awesome new things here, it's just that all the administrative red tape that I have to go through is frustrating. I just want to start classes!


Sola Gratia said...

Oh jeez I used to love love love S Club 7. My 12 yr old self is jealous!

Allison said...

Lol, they had some pretty catchy/cheesy tunes...